SitRight Visual Design
A habit-forming product that encourages desk workers to maintain better posture.
UI Design, Prototyping, Usability Testing, Pretotyping
2 weeks
Figma, Invision

Visual Design

Homepage with four navigation threads at the bottom and hamburger menu to access the premium features. The primary tasks of the user can be easily accessed from the home screen.
(Pause alert, Add alert and Edit alert)
Home & Add Alert
Homepage with four navigation threads at the bottom and hamburger menu to access the premium features. The primary tasks of the user can be easily accessed from the home screen.
(Pause alert, Add alert and Edit alert)

As users configure the alerts, they will appear on the screen at regular intervals. They'll also be rewarded with points for responding to the alerts. The points are required to level-up and access more features.
The app displays the user's daily and overall statistics to help them keep track of their progress and stay motivated. Users can view their daily timeline as well as their personal progress.

On achieving specific goals, the users are rewarded with scratch cards. These cards will either have points or cash discounts that they can use in the app shop. The variable rewards act as intermittent reinforcement, which is at the heart of the "hooked model."
The top half of the profile shows the investment of the user towards this application and the bottom half allows them to access and edit their data, settings and more. The points help users to level up in order to unlock different features, and the PRO version allows users full access to all features.

Usability Testing

Home Screen
I performed a blind test to see if the participant interprets the information on the screen correctly. Here the participant did not comprehend the circular area as a progress bar and did not recall seeing the alerts section. As a result of these insights, I decided to place a stronger focus on these two sections while designing the home screen.
Insights Screen
On the Insights screen, I had another similar insight which made me change the manner in which the data was represented and add an option to personalize the daily goal

Rewards Screen
On the rewards section, I noticed that the participants were confused because they were not aware that the cards were scratch cards and were unsure of the next steps. This prompted me to drop the idea of scratch-off cards in favour of a simpler functionality.