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Shubham Kulkarni

Product Designer


Hi! I'm a product designer working at QVC with 5+ years of experience in the product design space. My background in mechanical engineering gives me a unique edge, bridging the realms of design and engineering seamlessly. I'm all about shaking things up when it comes to research—I love diving into experimental studies and collaborating closely with others on co-design projects. I'm a big advocate for cross-functional teamwork and always keep an open mind to new possibilities.

Outside of work, you can often find me traveling, exploring different cuisines. And when I'm not on the move, I find joy in bringing order to chaos, whether it's organizing my space or diving into a new DIY project.


Aug 2021 - Dec 2022

Thomas Jefferson University

Currently, I’m honing my skills in cognitive psychology, research & planning, visual design, a bit of programming, and more. I’m also a teaching assistant for a design studio where I get to practice mentoring & critiquing.


Jan 2021 - Jul 2021

UX Designer
Koru UX

Jan 2019 - Jan 2021

UX / UI Designer
Webonise Lab

Koru, a design-based agency, was more like family than a company. I had the opportunity to explore the healthcare domain while providing design solutions for web-based applications and enterprise softwares.

Webonise is a service-based company where I grew from an intern to a full-time employee. Here, I mostly designed websites and mobile applications in collaboration with developers, product managers, and other internal teams.


- Detail Oriented

- Analytical

- Critical Thinking

- Leadership

- Design Critique

- Desk Research

- Wireframing

- Prototyping

- Visual Design

- Usability Testing

- Axure RP

- Adobe XD

- Sketch

- Figma

- Invision

- Zeplin

- Jira

- Basecamp

- Miro

- Trello

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